Plumbing Tips to Lower Your Water Bills

Lowering your water bills is a great way to save cash while conserving the precious resource. Making a few simple plumbing changes can significantly lower your water bill. The good thing is there are several easy and affordable ways to help you lower your water bills.

What It Means to Reduce Water Bills

Adopting water-saving techniques in your home positively impacts the environment and is a great way to save money.

Have you ever thought of the amount of money you save by reducing water bills? Have you ever considered what the accumulated savings can do for you at the end of the year?

Ensuring that you are not wasting water is great for optimizing the household. It is necessary for conservation and practical saving.

Large households and commercial buildings should be keen on saving water as there is potential for a lot of waste. Below are simple tips to help you lower your water bills.

Check and Fix Leaks

The easiest way to save money on your water bill is by identifying and fixing leaks in your home or office. If you notice that your bill is unusually high, there may be a leak in the building.

To check for leaks, turn off all appliances that use water in the house’s faucets, toilets, and other appliances. Use a leak detector to find leaks in the walls or flooring of your home.

If you identify leaks, call a plumber to fix them. Leaks can lead to mould growth, property damage, and expensive plumber repairs without proper maintenance.

Do not Overfill Your Bathtub

Regulating your bathtub water level is a good money-saving tip since you use lease water. If possible, use smaller amounts of water rather than filling up large containers such as bathtubs and sinks. It saves money on heating costs associated with keeping larger volumes of water hot enough for bathing. In addition, it ensures you do not waste water by using more than required.

Install Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets

Purchasing and installing low-flow showerheads is pricey but cheaper in the long run, considering the amount of money you save.

Installing low-flow showerheads and faucets reduces the amount of water that flows while providing the same pressure. The low-flow devices can also aid bathroom and kitchen sinks.

Check The Toilet Bowl Float Ball

If the tank in your toilet is constantly filling, even when it is not being used, it may be time to replace your toilet’s float ball. The float ball is what controls the amount of water that goes into the tank and its fullness level.

When the float ball gets old, it can get stuck in an open position, causing it to keep filling up until it overflows.

The overflows can go unnoticed, so you need to check for them. To confirm that your toilet is not leaking, you should test by putting food colouring in the tank and waiting 15 minutes without flushing. If colour shows up in the bowl, there’s a leak, and it is time to get it repaired to avoid wastage.

Keep Your Tap Clean

Keeping your taps clean makes them look nicer and saves money on utility bills. Tap aerators collect debris over time and can contribute to wasted water usage if not cleaned regularly. To clean the aerators, simply scrub them with a toothbrush.

Adjust Your Lawn Sprinkler System

The lawn sprinkler could be contributing to a high water bill. Consider adopting ways that manage water usage on the sprinkler system.

For example, you can install an irrigation controller to turn on during a specific time. It allows you to conserve water while keeping your grass watered.

You can also adjust your sprinkler schedules to avoid watering when it rains or when the grass is still well-watered.

Use a Shower Timer Or Restrict Shower Time

Every home wastes a lot of water during showers. By implementing a water-saving method, you can save several gallons of water each year. Setting a timer for the length of your shower helps to prevent spending extra time in the shower. More regulation could translate to less water usage and decreased water bills.

Adjust Your Water Heater Temperature

When the water is hot, you must run the shower at full blast to cool it, to make it comfortable for bathing. Opening the tap to the maximum leads to water wastage. Saving water and improving your water bill is as easy as adjusting the water heater to warm instead of hot.

Water-Saving Toilets

Toilets account for about 30% of household water usage, so they are an important place to save water. Different water-saving toilets are available, including dual flush and pressure-assist models.

Water-saving toilets use less water per flush compared to older models. So, the replacement will help reduce your water bills.

Upgrade Your Washers and Dishwashers

If you have an older washer or dishwasher, consider replacing it with a more efficient model. The new models use less water than older models, saving you money on your water bill. Note, however, that the upfront costs are higher but worth the investment long-term.

Brush Your Teeth With the Tap Turned Off

Some people brush their teeth with the tap running, which can waste a lot of water, considering how many people live in the household. Practising this simple habit will surprisingly save you money on your water bill since you efficiently reduce waste.

Install a Rain Barrel to Harvest Rainwater

Harvesting rainwater is a great alternative to reducing water bills. With this simple addition, you can save several gallons of water each year, depending on the size of your roof.

Seek professional help

Regulating water use is a good way to lower your water bills. If you think your increasing water bills result from a plumbing issue, do not worry! Our professional team of highly experienced plumbers in Bromley, West Wickham and surrounding areas will resolve your plumbing issues.

It will save you money and give you peace of mind knowing your home is safe from water-related damages. Reach out for plumbing assistance and inquiries.

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